Geometric BlurGeometric blur is simply an average over geometric transformations of a signal. This turns out to be a useful operation for comparing two signals when some geometric distortion is expected. The average can be computed efficiently using a spatially varying convolution and sub-sampled to form a concise descriptor.
The signal should be sparse in order for the geometric blur to produce a discriminative descriptor. An example is the output of orientation tuned edge detectors after non-max suppression. We have used descriptors based on geometric blur for matching shapes as part of object recognition, for localizing facial features, for indexing images, and more. In addition many of the same ideas show up in our work on recognizing and synthesizing actions. A study of the correlation between images of corresponding parts of objects shows a pattern close to a geometric blur over small affine transformations. PapersShape Matching and Object Recognition using Low Distortion Correspondence [pdf] [ps] [ppt]Alexander C. Berg, Tamara L. Berg, Jitendra Malik IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2005
Geometric Blur for Template Matching [pdf] [ps] Alexander C. Berg, Jitendra Malik Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2001, Hawaii, pp I.607-614
Shape Matching and Object Recognition [pdf] [ps] Alexander C. Berg Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Division, U.C. Berkeley, December 2005
Other work using Geometric BlurCue Integration in Figure/Ground Labeling.Xiaofeng Ren, Charless Fowlkes and Jitendra Malik, NIPS '05, Vancouver 2005. Mid-level Cues Improve Boundary Detection. Xiaofeng Ren, Charless Fowlkes and Jitendra Malik, Berkeley Technical Report 05-1382, CSD 2005. |